Terbaik Ramadhan Pergi 2023

Menangislah Sebelum Ramadhan Pergi WAHDAH INSPIRASI ZAKAT NGO Pengelola Zakat, Infak from wiz.or.id Keywords: Ramadhan, Travelling during Ramadhan, Halal Travel, Muslim Travel, Pergi ke Mekah, Pergi ke Madinah, Pergi ke Masjidil Haram, Pergi ke Masjid …

Menangislah Sebelum Ramadhan Pergi WAHDAH INSPIRASI ZAKAT NGO Pengelola Zakat, Infak
Menangislah Sebelum Ramadhan Pergi WAHDAH INSPIRASI ZAKAT NGO Pengelola Zakat, Infak from wiz.or.id

Keywords: Ramadhan, Travelling during Ramadhan, Halal Travel, Muslim Travel, Pergi ke Mekah, Pergi ke Madinah, Pergi ke Masjidil Haram, Pergi ke Masjid Nabawi, Halal Food, Ramadhan traditions, Ramadhan in Indonesia

Guide to Ramadhan Travel: Pergi ke Mekah and Madinah


Ramadhan is a special month for Muslims around the world. It is a time of fasting, reflection, and spiritual growth. Many Muslims choose to travel during Ramadhan to visit holy sites, such as Mekah and Madinah in Saudi Arabia. In this article, we will provide you with a guide to travelling during Ramadhan and everything you need to know before you go.

Halal Travel

Halal travel is a growing trend among Muslim travellers around the world. It is a form of travel that is in accordance with Islamic principles and values. Halal travel includes things like halal food, prayer facilities, and a focus on Islamic culture and heritage. When travelling during Ramadhan, it is important to choose a halal travel provider that can provide you with all of these things.

Pergi ke Mekah and Madinah

Mekah and Madinah are two of the most important holy sites in Islam. Every year, millions of Muslims from around the world travel to these cities to perform the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. During Ramadhan, these cities are even more special and attract many visitors from around the world.

Pergi ke Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi

Masjidil Haram in Mekah and Masjid Nabawi in Madinah are two of the most important mosques in Islam. During Ramadhan, these mosques are even more special and attract many visitors from around the world. If you are planning a trip to Mekah and Madinah during Ramadhan, make sure to visit these mosques and experience the special atmosphere of Ramadhan.

Halal Food

Halal food is an important part of halal travel. When travelling during Ramadhan, it is important to find restaurants and food outlets that serve halal food. In Mekah and Madinah, there are many halal restaurants and food outlets that cater to the needs of Muslim travellers.

Ramadhan Traditions

Ramadhan is a month of traditions and rituals for Muslims around the world. During Ramadhan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and break their fast with a special meal called iftar. If you are travelling during Ramadhan, make sure to experience these traditions and rituals and learn more about the culture and heritage of Islam.

Ramadhan in Indonesia

Ramadhan is also a special month for Muslims in Indonesia. During Ramadhan, the streets and markets come alive with the sights and sounds of the season. If you are in Indonesia during Ramadhan, make sure to experience the special atmosphere and try some of the local foods and drinks that are only available during this time of year.


Travelling during Ramadhan can be a special and rewarding experience for Muslims around the world. Whether you are travelling to Mekah and Madinah or experiencing Ramadhan in Indonesia, make sure to take the time to experience the traditions and rituals of this special month. Remember to choose a halal travel provider and find halal food options to make your trip a truly halal experience.