Daftar Quotes Ramadhan 2023

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Collection of Ramadan Quotes from Quran, Ramadan Quotes Sayings in English Ramadan Mubarak
Collection of Ramadan Quotes from Quran, Ramadan Quotes Sayings in English Ramadan Mubarak from ramadangreetings2017.blogspot.com

Keywords: Ramadhan, Quotes, Islam, Spirituality, Fasting, Blessings, Faith, Reflection, Guidance, Inspiration, Gratitude.

Quotes Ramadhan: Inspiration and Guidance for the Holy Month

The Importance of Ramadhan Quotes in Islam

Ramadhan is a month of spirituality, reflection, and blessings for Muslims around the world. It is a time when we fast from dawn to dusk, pray more, give charity, and seek forgiveness from Allah. It is also a time when we strive to improve our faith, character, and deeds. In this context, Ramadhan quotes play a significant role in inspiring and guiding us towards the best way of living during this holy month. They offer us wisdom, motivation, and reminders of Allah’s mercy and blessings. Let’s explore some of the best Ramadhan quotes that can uplift our hearts and souls in this year 2023.

Top 5 Ramadhan Quotes for Inspiration

1. “Ramadhan is the month whose beginning is mercy, whose middle is forgiveness, and whose end is freedom from the fire.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) This quote highlights the three main phases of Ramadhan and their spiritual significance. The first ten days are for seeking Allah’s mercy and blessings, the second ten days are for seeking forgiveness for our sins, and the last ten days are for striving to be saved from Hellfire. 2. “The best charity is that given in Ramadhan.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) This quote emphasizes the importance of giving charity during Ramadhan, as it multiplies our rewards and helps the needy. It reminds us to be generous and compassionate towards others, especially in this blessed month. 3. “Fasting is not about abstaining from food and drink, it’s about abstaining from sins and bad habits.” – Sheikh Zaid bin Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee This quote clarifies the true essence of fasting, which is not merely a physical act but a spiritual discipline. It encourages us to focus on our inner struggle against our ego, temptations, and weaknesses, and to seek Allah’s help and guidance in this regard. 4. “Ramadhan is the month of Quran. It is the month when the Quran was revealed as guidance for mankind.” – Quran 2:185 This quote highlights the importance of reciting and reflecting on the Quran during Ramadhan. It reminds us that the Quran is the ultimate source of guidance and wisdom for us, and that we should make an effort to read, understand, and apply its teachings in our daily lives. 5. “The best supplication is the supplication of Ramadhan.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) This quote emphasizes the power of supplication (dua) during Ramadhan, as it is a time when our prayers are more likely to be accepted by Allah. It encourages us to pray for our needs, desires, and aspirations, as well as for the well-being of our loved ones and the whole ummah.

Top 5 Ramadhan Quotes for Reflection

1. “Ramadhan is a month to change your habits, not your schedule.” – Yasmin Mogahed This quote reminds us that Ramadhan is not just a temporary change in our daily routine, but a transformative change in our mindset and behavior. It encourages us to use this month as an opportunity to break our bad habits and adopt good ones, such as kindness, patience, and gratitude. 2. “Ramadhan is not a diet, it’s a spiritual detox.” – Unknown This quote highlights the spiritual benefits of fasting, such as purifying our body, mind, and soul from toxins, negativity, and distractions. It reminds us to focus on the spiritual aspects of Ramadhan, rather than the physical ones, and to strive for a deeper connection with Allah. 3. “The month of Ramadhan is the one in which the Quran was sent down as guidance for mankind, with clear signs containing guidance and discrimination.” – Quran 2:185 This quote emphasizes the miraculous nature of the Quran and its role in our guidance and salvation. It reminds us to appreciate the beauty and wisdom of the Quran, and to seek its guidance and illumination in our life journey. 4. “Ramadhan is a month of discipline, not indulgence.” – Unknown This quote emphasizes the importance of self-discipline during Ramadhan, especially in controlling our desires, emotions, and actions. It reminds us that indulging in worldly pleasures and distractions can hinder our spiritual growth and weaken our faith. 5. “Ramadhan is a reminder that we are stronger than we think.” – Unknown This quote encourages us to have faith in our abilities and potential, and to overcome our challenges and obstacles with determination and perseverance. It reminds us that Ramadhan is a test of our faith and resilience, and that we can emerge from it as better, stronger, and more grateful human beings.


Ramadhan quotes are a valuable source of inspiration and guidance for Muslims during this holy month. They offer us wisdom, motivation, and reminders of Allah’s mercy and blessings. By reflecting on these quotes and applying their teachings in our daily lives, we can enhance our spirituality, character, and deeds, and attain the ultimate goal of Ramadhan, which is to please Allah and seek His forgiveness and blessings. Let’s make the most of this Ramadhan and strive to be the best versions of ourselves!