Populer Jadwal Puasa Ramadhan 2021 Semarang 2023

Download di Link Ini, Jadwal Imsakiyah Ramadhan 1443 H Bulan Puasa Mulai April 2022 Media Magelang from mediamagelang.pikiran-rakyat.com Jadwal Puasa Ramadhan 2021 Semarang Ramadhan is a holy month for Muslims, during which they fast from …

Download di Link Ini, Jadwal Imsakiyah Ramadhan 1443 H Bulan Puasa Mulai April 2022 Media Magelang
Download di Link Ini, Jadwal Imsakiyah Ramadhan 1443 H Bulan Puasa Mulai April 2022 Media Magelang from mediamagelang.pikiran-rakyat.com

Jadwal Puasa Ramadhan 2021 Semarang

Ramadhan is a holy month for Muslims, during which they fast from dawn to dusk. In Semarang, the capital of Central Java, the fasting period starts on April 13th and ends on May 12th. This year, the pandemic has affected the way Muslims in Semarang celebrate Ramadhan, but the spirit of the holy month remains strong.

Preparing for Ramadhan

Before the fasting period starts, Muslims in Semarang prepare themselves physically and mentally. They wake up early to have a meal before dawn, called sahur. They also perform tarawih prayers at night, which is a special prayer performed during Ramadhan.

Breaking the Fast

The fast is broken at sunset, with a meal called iftar. In Semarang, iftar is usually a communal event, where families and friends gather to break their fast together. However, due to the pandemic, iftar is now mostly done at home.

Charity during Ramadhan

Ramadhan is also a month of charity, where Muslims give to those in need. In Semarang, there are many organizations that collect donations and distribute them to the less fortunate. This year, with the pandemic affecting many people financially, the need for charity is even greater.

Virtual Religious Activities

Due to the pandemic, religious activities during Ramadhan have shifted to a virtual format. Many mosques in Semarang now hold virtual tarawih prayers, and religious lectures are also conducted online. This way, Muslims can still participate in religious activities while staying safe at home.

Ramadhan Food in Semarang

Semarang is known for its delicious food, and Ramadhan is no exception. During the fasting period, there are many traditional foods that are only available during Ramadhan, such as kolak and opor ayam. These foods are often sold in markets and street vendors throughout the city.

Staying Healthy during Ramadhan

Fasting can take a toll on the body, and it’s important for Muslims to stay healthy during Ramadhan. In Semarang, many people drink jamu, a traditional herbal drink, to help with digestion and boost immunity. It’s also important to stay hydrated and avoid overeating during iftar.

The End of Ramadhan

The end of Ramadhan is marked by Eid al-Fitr, a celebration that lasts for three days. In Semarang, Eid al-Fitr is usually celebrated with new clothes, visiting family and friends, and eating special foods. This year, with the pandemic still ongoing, celebrations will likely be more subdued.

The Importance of Ramadhan

Ramadhan is an important month for Muslims, as it is a time for spiritual reflection and self-improvement. It is also a time to strengthen relationships with family and friends, and to give back to the community. In Semarang, the spirit of Ramadhan remains strong, even in the midst of a pandemic.


The pandemic has changed the way Muslims in Semarang celebrate Ramadhan, but the essence of the holy month remains the same. Through virtual religious activities, charity, and traditional foods, Muslims in Semarang continue to observe Ramadhan in their own unique way. The spirit of Ramadhan, of reflection, self-improvement, and giving, remains strong even in these challenging times.