Daftar Doa Sahur Ramadhan 2023

Niat Puasa Nyaur Utang Bulan Ramadhan Di Bulan Rajab Dakwah Islami from dakwahislami.net Keywords: doa sahur ramadhan, sahur, Ramadan, Islam, prayer, fasting, suhoor, blessings, spiritual, pre-dawn meal. Doa Sahur Ramadhan: A Spiritual Connection with Allah …

Niat Puasa Nyaur Utang Bulan Ramadhan Di Bulan Rajab Dakwah Islami
Niat Puasa Nyaur Utang Bulan Ramadhan Di Bulan Rajab Dakwah Islami from dakwahislami.net

Keywords: doa sahur ramadhan, sahur, Ramadan, Islam, prayer, fasting, suhoor, blessings, spiritual, pre-dawn meal.

Doa Sahur Ramadhan: A Spiritual Connection with Allah


Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims, in which they fast from dawn till dusk. Sahur is the pre-dawn meal that Muslims consume before starting their fast. It is essential to maintain good health during Ramadan, and Sahur helps in keeping the body energized throughout the day. Along with physical benefits, Sahur also has spiritual significance. In this article, we will discuss the Doa Sahur Ramadhan, the importance of Sahur, and how it helps in strengthening our connection with Allah.

The Significance of Sahur

Sahur is the pre-dawn meal that Muslims consume before starting their fast. It is a time when one can nourish their body and prepare themselves for the day ahead. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Eat Sahur, for in it, there is blessing.” Sahur is essential as it helps in preventing dehydration, fatigue, and weakness during the day. It also helps in maintaining a healthy metabolism and prevents overeating during Iftar.

The Spiritual Importance of Doa Sahur Ramadhan

Doa Sahur Ramadhan is a prayer that Muslims recite before starting their fast. It is a way of seeking Allah’s blessings and forgiveness. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “When one of you wakes up in the morning for Sahur, he should say: O Allah, bless us in our Sahur and bless us in our fasting.” Doa Sahur Ramadhan is a way of connecting with Allah and seeking His mercy and blessings. It helps in strengthening our faith and reminds us of the spiritual significance of Ramadan.

The Benefits of Doa Sahur Ramadhan

Doa Sahur Ramadhan has numerous benefits, both physical and spiritual. It helps in maintaining good health during Ramadan by providing energy and preventing dehydration. It also helps in strengthening our connection with Allah and seeking His blessings and mercy. Reciting Doa Sahur Ramadhan helps in keeping our intentions pure and reminds us of the spiritual significance of Ramadan.

How to Recite Doa Sahur Ramadhan

Doa Sahur Ramadhan is a simple prayer that can be recited before starting your fast. The prayer is as follows: “Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri Ramadan” (I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan). It is essential to recite the prayer with the right intention and sincerity. The prayer should be recited before the Fajr Adhan and should be followed by the consumption of Sahur.


Sahur is an essential part of Ramadan, and it helps in maintaining good health during the month-long fast. Along with physical benefits, Sahur also has spiritual significance. Doa Sahur Ramadhan is a way of seeking Allah’s blessings and forgiveness and strengthening our connection with Him. It is essential to recite the prayer with the right intention and sincerity. May Allah bless us all in our Sahur and fasting and accept our prayers and worship. Ameen.