Populer Doa Puasa Senin Kamis Dan Mengganti Puasa Ramadhan Ide

Niat Puasa Sunnah Ganti Ramadhan from niatpuasa.netlify.app Doa Puasa Senin Kamis dan Mengganti Puasa Ramadhan Introduction Puasa is an important part of the Islamic faith. Muslims around the world observe fasting during the holy month …

Niat Puasa Sunnah Ganti Ramadhan
Niat Puasa Sunnah Ganti Ramadhan from niatpuasa.netlify.app

Doa Puasa Senin Kamis dan Mengganti Puasa Ramadhan


Puasa is an important part of the Islamic faith. Muslims around the world observe fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, and also on other days throughout the year. Two of the most popular days for fasting are Mondays and Thursdays, known as the Senin Kamis fast. Additionally, Muslims are required to make up any missed fasts from Ramadan, which can be a daunting task for some. This article will provide guidance on how to perform the Senin Kamis fast and how to make up missed Ramadan fasts, along with the appropriate doa.

The Senin Kamis Fast

The Senin Kamis fast is a voluntary fast that can be performed on Mondays and Thursdays. This fast is not obligatory, but it is highly recommended. The Senin Kamis fast is believed to have many benefits, including the forgiveness of sins, increased blessings, and improved health. To perform this fast, simply abstain from food, drink, and other physical pleasures from dawn until dusk. It is important to break the fast with a meal consisting of dates and water.

The Doa for Senin Kamis Fast

To begin the Senin Kamis fast, recite the following doa: “Ya Allah, aku berpuasa pada hari Senin/Kamis, karena Engkau aku berharap pahala dan ridha-Mu. Ampuni dosa-dosaku, terimalah amalanku, dan janganlah Engkau sia-siakan usahaku. Amin.” This doa should be recited at the beginning of the fast, and also when breaking the fast.

Making Up Missed Ramadan Fasts

If for some reason you were unable to fast during Ramadan, it is important to make up those missed fasts. The number of missed fasts should be calculated, and they should be made up as soon as possible. It is recommended to make up the missed fasts before the next Ramadan begins. To make up missed Ramadan fasts, simply fast for the same number of days that were missed during Ramadan.

The Doa for Making Up Missed Ramadan Fasts

To begin making up missed Ramadan fasts, recite the following doa: “Ya Allah, aku berniat puasa untuk mengganti hari yang aku tinggalkan di bulan Ramadan yang lalu. Terimalah amalanku, ampuni dosa-dosaku, dan jangan sia-siakan usahaku. Amin.” This doa should be recited at the beginning of every day of the missed fasts, and also when breaking the fast.


Performing the Senin Kamis fast and making up missed Ramadan fasts are important parts of the Islamic faith. These acts of worship can bring many blessings and benefits to those who observe them. By reciting the appropriate doa, fasting with sincerity, and seeking forgiveness from Allah, we can strengthen our faith and improve our relationship with Him.