Info Bufet Ramadhan 2021 Ulasan

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Bufet Ramadhan 2021 Lugar De La Boda Puchong Menawarkan Lebih 60 Hidangan Yang Menarik
Bufet Ramadhan 2021 Lugar De La Boda Puchong Menawarkan Lebih 60 Hidangan Yang Menarik from

Keywords: bufet ramadhan, 2021, Indonesia, food, tradition, culture, fasting, iftar, restaurant, pandemic, safety protocol, reservation.

Bufet Ramadhan 2021: A Cultural and Culinary Tradition in Indonesia


Ramadhan is a holy month for Muslims worldwide. It is a time for fasting, reflection, and spiritual renewal. In Indonesia, Ramadhan is also a time for culinary celebration. One of the most popular traditions is the bufet ramadhan, where restaurants and hotels offer all-you-can-eat iftar menus. In this article, we will explore bufet ramadhan 2021 in Indonesia, its significance, and how it adapts to the new normal.

History and Significance

Bufet ramadhan has become part of the Indonesian culinary landscape since the 1990s. It started as a luxury offering in five-star hotels in Jakarta, catering to expatriates and wealthy Indonesians. However, as the middle class grew, bufet ramadhan became more accessible and widespread. Today, it is available in various types of restaurants, from street food stalls to high-end establishments. Bufet ramadhan is a way for Indonesians to break their fast together with family and friends. It is a communal activity that strengthens the bond between Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It also showcases the diversity of Indonesian cuisine, from Aceh to Papua, from savory to sweet.

Food and Beverages

Bufet ramadhan offers a vast array of dishes, from traditional to modern, from meat to vegetarian. Some of the must-try dishes are: – Ketupat: a diamond-shaped rice cake wrapped in coconut leaves – Sate: skewered grilled meat, chicken, or tofu served with peanut sauce – Gado-gado: a salad of boiled vegetables, tofu, tempeh, and peanut sauce – Soto: a soup of chicken, beef, or offal with rice cakes and herbs – Kolak: a sweet dessert of boiled banana, sweet potato, and cassava in coconut milk. In addition to the food, bufet ramadhan also offers various beverages, such as: – Es teler: a fruit cocktail of jackfruit, avocado, and coconut meat with syrup and condensed milk – Bandrek: a hot ginger drink with palm sugar and spices – Teh tarik: a pulled tea with condensed milk.

Pandemic Adaptation

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of life, including bufet ramadhan. In 2020, most bufet ramadhan events were canceled due to the health and safety protocol. However, in 2021, bufet ramadhan adapts to the new normal by implementing several measures, such as: – Limited capacity: restaurants and hotels reduce the number of guests to ensure physical distancing. – Reservation: guests have to book in advance to avoid crowds and waiting. – Pre-packaged food: instead of the usual self-service, the food is served in individual portions or packed in take-away boxes. – Sanitation: restaurants and hotels provide hand sanitizer, masks, and gloves for guests and staff. They also sanitize the dining area regularly.


Bufet ramadhan 2021 is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Indonesian culture and cuisine. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, bufet ramadhan still manages to bring joy and togetherness to Indonesians. Whether you are a Muslim or not, bufet ramadhan is a must-try experience that will tantalize your taste buds and enrich your cultural knowledge. So, book your reservation now and enjoy the feast!